Article 16.9.2016 la dépêche: A Shiva, a life
Article 16.9.2016 la dépêche, EVREUX
Translation from French into English

A Shiva, a life
Shiva Guruji Aruneshvar, his spiritual journey, his art, his creation and also Vedic soul astrology of which he is an expert are to be discovered until 21th of September at the Art Gallery Miliano in Evreux (France).
Know yourself.. The Grand Master from Himalaya Shiva Guruji Aruneshvar exhibits his paintings in the art gallery Miliano till 21st of September. An event with several dimensions then the paintings of the Master are above all an invitation, a support for the meditation work and the self-knowledge. He was present on last Saturday, accompanied by Katrin Suter, Shivani Himalaya, which, after having received the training of the Master transmits Shiva Dhyan Yoga and his knowledge. She is also the interpreter then the Master expresses himself in English: “The Himalayan Master Shiva Guruji Aruneshvar has been trained by 21 Masters in Himalaya. Now he wishes to give these meditation breath techniques and yoga for the entire humanity. He has trained me to become the first Shiva Dhyan Yoga teacher in the world and to transmit his vast spiritual knowledge."
Shiva Dhyan Yoga workshop Sunday
With Shivani Himalaya, the Master Shiva Guruji Aruneshvar will conduct a meditation workshop in the Gallery Miliano on next Sunday from 2-5pm as part of the festival Namasté France organized by the Indian Embassy in Paris. “Shiva Dhyan Yoga is an experiential meditation method, which awakens and raises the consciousness of the self and the realization of the self, one’s own essence, which is the experienced response to the question “who am I?”.. “Through my teaching I encourage to live a life, which corresponds to one’s own, inner nature and to the divine design of one’s destiny. I give the experience of the truth in oneself, giving the liberty to be who you really are, then you can find the answers in you."
Description of the photograph & painting:
One of the exhibited paintings: Satchidanandeshvar Shiva with numerous symbols such as the trident and his timelessness of the three branches: past, present, future. “The crescent moon indicates that he controls the mind in a perfect way. Shiva is sitting on a tiger skin which symbolizes that he has conquered lust. Wearing snakes designates the wisdom and eternity”. He is Trilochana, the one with three eyes with the third eye in the center of the forehead, trinetra, the wisdom eye..” and the Master Shiva Guruji Aruneshvar.
Announcement: Shiva Spiritualism, paintings by Guruji Aruneshvar – Shiva Dhyan Yoga workshop, art gallery Miliano, 8, place du Grand Carrefour à Évreux – Phone: 09 82 20 46 30; 06 34 43 34 19