36 Tattvas
Below the 36 tattvas are listed, explained by Shiva Guruji Aruneshvar, who is soul connected to Shiva and knows all the elements of creation, the 36 tattvas and can actually see them. The Himalayan Master explains that enlightenment is nothing but light. Shiva is light and it can be shown by Shiva Guruji Aruneshvar, who sees his Self, and the 36 tattvas. These elements of creation are not for the theoretic saying, it is for self-realization, for becoming Shiva himself. To see Shiva bee Shiva! If you want to see Shiva you have to become Shiva. After the process of enlightenment, Shiva Guruji can hence give the actual experience of the 36 tattvas.
Shiva Guruji Aruneshvar enlightens with the fire, with words like fire. He has given Earth as the ground to fly in Shiva Dhyan Yoga. The Himalayan Master gives the understanding of the air, the breath, with Shiva Dhyan Yoga. Shiva Guruji gives the understanding of Sadashiva with the 5 elements to grasp the entire existence. Shiva Dhyan Yoga is the greatest vidya, the knowledge of awareness and awakening which one can receive. One can see light & life through Shiva Dhyan Yoga and understand the 36 tattvas fully. Shiva Guruji shows the trinity in the heart & awakens the Sahasrar, the crown chakra and the third eye. Shiva Guruji Aruneshvar shows Ishvara, God.
In the world of Maya, work and win, Shiva Guruji encourages us. In this world of Maya there are 5 limitations or jackets which restrain the soul such as thoughts, body and desire. Don’t live in compulsion as order of living, instead live the divine omnipresence using time for giving. Shiva Guruji transforms and expands the mind, giving unlimited knowledge, fulfilling the divine desire in us. Shiva Guruji makes you realize that the soul and the universe are one with Shiva!
The Himalayan Master has given to disciples the art of creation, of music, of writing, of painting, the art of speaking & communicating. Shiva Guruji gives faith (niyati) and trust to transcend. Shiva Guruji teaches to live in time, to act in time and gives total awareness of the three dimensions of time which are past, present and future. Shiva Guruji gives divine knowledge and with fiery words the Himalayan Master awakens buddhi, the intellect & removes ahamkar, the ego. He makes you see your Self and gives you back to yourself, evacuating fear & doubt from the mind.
36 Tattvas
1. Shiva Tattva: Shiva is the first and prime tattva, containing the consciousness and the whole universe in a potential state within him.
2. Shakti Tattva: Shiva manifests the universe in the third, the Sadashiva Tattva with the 5 elements through the intermediation of Shakti. In other words, Shakti Tattva is Shiva’s energy through which the universe is manifested and connects between herself and Sadashiva.
Shiva is the light and light is knowledge. Shiva is filled with knowledge and Shakti is the energy which is creating the world. Shakti creates the object, so that Shiva’s light can shine on it.
3. Sadashiva Tattva: through the 5 elements in the form of Sadashiva and intermediation of Shakti, Shiva acts in the universe.
4. Ishvara (God) Tattva
5. Sadvidya or Shuddavidya Tattva
6. Maya Tattva: This is about the world. Shiva Guruji explains the Shiva Sutra related to Maya, the world of illusion “work and win”. Do your work and win in the world. Work is worship, this is what the Master teaches. The Maya tattva includes the elements which related to it build the body, the world and all other limited tattvas on Earth. In other words, Maya (womb or source) is the mother of all the down-to-earth Tattvas.
7. Kāla Tattva: time
8. Niyati Tattva: faith & order
9. Kalā Tattva: art & learning
10. Vidya Tattva: Knowledge – the highest knowledge of the soul, of awakening & awareness is gained through Shiva Dhyan Yoga
11. Rāga Tattva: Desire
12. Purusha Tattva: there are five Kankuchas or “jackest”, which represent a limitation for the human being: Learning, knowledge, desire, order & time.
a. The limitation of Kalā represents the limitation of agency or efficacy
b. The limitation of Vidya is the limitation of knowledge
c. The limitation of Rāga represents the limitation of satisfaction of desires
d. The limitation of Kāla designates the limitation of your time on earth and subjection to past, present and future
e. The limitation of Niyati signifies the limitation in the sense of being subject to externally imposed order
Opposed to these five restrictions is Chaitanya, the absolute consciousness and freedom of the Self regarding knowledge & action.
13. Prakriti Tattva
14. Buddhi Tattva (intellect)
15. Ahamkar Tattva (EGO)
16. Manas Tattva (mind)
Tattvas 17 to 21: The Five Faculties of Perception (Jnanendriyas)
17. Hearing Tattva
18. Tactile sense Tattva
19. Vision & color Tattva
20. Tasting Tattva
21. Smell Tattva
Tattvas 22 to 26: The Five Faculties of Action (Karmendriyas)
22. Speech Tattva
23. Grasp Tattva
24. Ambulation Tattva
25. Evacuation Tattva: achieve an empty mind, free from negativity.
26. Procreation Tattva: creation as a Shakti form a spiritual angle
Tattvas 27 to 31: The Five Primary Sensations (Tanmatras)
27. Sound Tattva
28. Palpation Tattva: examination by touch of oneself
29. Form Tattva
30. Taste Tattva
31. Odor Tattva
Tattvas 32 to 36: The Five Elements of creation (Maha Bhutas)
32. Ether Tattva
33. Air Tattva
34. Fire Tattva
35. Water Tattva
36. Earth Tattva