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Possibilities instead of Fear

OM Namah Shivaya

Shiva Guruji says:

Shiva Dhyan Yoga meditation gives you the power to go beyond the past and present fears.

Fear keeps you away from participating, from doing what you are able to do, from experiencing and expressing yourself fully, exploring all possibilities which you have in yourself.

There might be decisions we have taken long ago internally and we go back to these past experiences. Make sure that you have the power over the circumstances and that you are not governed by past situations and behaviors.

Become Master over these fears and don’t adapt to them.

Shiva Dhyan Yoga gives you the power to release the fears and to be free from them.

You have the freedom to choose! Shiva Dhyan Yoga meditation give you the courage to try out new ways and overcome past patterns.

Don’t keep fear, only care for yourself and for others.

Live life with love, with smile & with grace.

Living a life of possibilities it means living in creation, in the here & now, away from fear & doubt.

From nowhere to now & here, in the present: the present is a present!

Human being tends to be pulled from present to past, influenced by past memories and happenings.

Shiva Dhyan Yoga gives you the ability to go from future to present.

Don’t bring your past into your future. Don’t bring the decisions you have made in the past into your future and set yourself limitations. Be free and see the world of possibilities.

Possibility is a vision, a mission, a goal from future to the present. It changes the life game entirely. At very stage, possibility gives us the power of freedom to create. Aim, Aspire & Achieve! Change your mood into work energy taking action with force in time, it will bring the sun light quality in your life.

When something happens, immediately we react, evaluating, drawing conclusions, giving our opinion, taking action. We give meaning to what has happened forgetting that what has actually happened is different from the meaning we give to it. We then see our lives and ourselves in the reality as we interpret resulting in frustration. From there we create our life stories, with our own point of view, influenced by our own conditioning.

That is not who we are. Possibility exists always. Possibility moves things around until our experience and circumstances that we are going to create match.

SHIVA = Synergy Horizon In Vast Aspect of what is possible!

Love life and live life with love. It is a source of infinite, pure possibility. We construct realities and forget we were the ones who constructed them. This limits the possibilities we actually see and we or resist or accept the reality from that limited perspective.

That is not who we are. Shiva Dhyan Yoga liberates you from conditioning, from fear, from past patterns and opens you up to the infinity of possibility. These meditations take you out of the reality you created yourself and you stop defining who you are through your patterns, past and mindset. Freed from these filters to your perception, you open up to new worlds and possibilities.

Shiva Dhyan Yoga awakens your awareness, you realize who you are and get to know your inner self, divine and creative power. It is a process of self-realization and self-recognition by your own soul through your prana, your breath.

It is a recognition of living being in union with the higher consciousness of cosmic creativity of the existence, the nature.

Udhyamo bhairava – Work & Win. Realizing the supreme cosmic consciousness through Shiva Dhyan Yoga you realize, that your true nature is Sat, Chit, Ananda, ultimate truth, consciousness, beauty, illumination. You realize that Chidrupini Shakti, the highest energy, the eternal energy, containing everything in nature, is in you.

Om Namah Shivaya

Shiva Guruji Aruneshvar

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